Vegan Cooking Blog

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Delicious White Bean Bread Spread

gluten-free vegan recipe Jul 05, 2021

Here's another easy and delicious bread spread idea for you.

This white bean spread is the perfect savory cream for a warm slice of homebaked bread.

It has a smooth consistency and a mild, aromatic flavor.

To make it even richer, you can add your favorite kind of herbs or spices.

Looking for delicious homebaked bread to go with it?

Then check out our rustic French baguette or the gluten-free bread rolls.

Ready? Let's get started.


Recipe Author

This recipe is from plant-based chef Diana Kronenberg.

You can learn more about her on "Krodi Plant-Based Cooking"

Instagram: @krodi_plant_based_cooking



Watch the full recipe on YouTube



  • 1 glass of white beans
  • 1-2 tsp. Salt and as much pepper as you like
  • Fresh herbs such as basil, parsley, or others



  1. Blend everything together except for the herbs. Transfer the mixture to a bowl.
  2. Chop the herbs, add them to bean cream. Mix with a fork.
  3. If you want a creamier texture you could add some cashew or almond butter. Dried tomatoes would also fit very well.

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